Carbon capture, utilisation and storage

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    Carbon capture, utilisation, and storage (CCUS) is a game-changer for addressing CO2 emissions, but it's not without its challenges. From navigating regulatory hurdles to overcoming technical roadblocks and securing funding, the CCUS journey isn't always smooth sailing. We're on a mission to tackle these hurdles head-on and pave the way for a brighter, greener future, turning CCUS challenges into opportunities. At Fugro, we've got you covered when it comes to planning, developing, and managing CCUS projects, whether on land or at sea. With years of experience in infrastructure, energy, and renewable sectors, we bring top-notch services to the table. Plus, our expertise in diverse geological settings and comprehensive site condition assessments sets us apart from the competition in the CCUS market.

    Yosmel Sanchez-Hernandez headshot

    Yosmel Sanchez-Hernandez

    Global lead - Carbon capture, utilisation and storage



    Smarter screening

    Efficiently screen sites with our data for better decisions.


    Detailed site insight

    Get full site details with advanced sensors, saving time and money.


    Eco-friendly surveying

    Cut emissions and risks with autonomous survey solutions.


    Pro consulting

    Expert support and dynamic data management for field longevity.

    Contact us

    Get in touch for Carbon capture, utilisation and storage

    Yosmel Sanchez-Hernandez headshot

    Yosmel Sanchez-Hernandez

    Global lead - Carbon capture, utilisation and storage

    Taken from Jack-Up JB-119. This photo captured the wind turbines in daylight when the sky and sea have the same colour tone

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    Powering a safe and sustainable future with clean energy

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