Reducing ground uncertainty with the

Geo-Risk Management Framework (GRMF)

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    The subsurface represents challenges that can affect your infrastructure project. Our Geo-Risk Management Framework (GRMF) provides you with flexible solutions and value according to your business needs and requirements.

    Headshots for

    Rod Eddies

    Global Lead - Geo-Risk Management Framework

    At the heart of every structure lies its foundation whose design and performance depends upon a good understanding of the ground conditions. Reducing uncertainty associated with the state and behaviour of the subsurface is critical for effective management of geo-risks and, subsequently, for successful infrastructure development.

    The GRMF is our starting point, built around clients’ end games, for developing appropriate solutions that deliver both value for money and certainty of outcome.

    Discover more about the GRMF in a nutshell



    Early insights

    to improve asset design and build resilient infrastructure


    Shorter project timelines and reduced CAPEX


    Increased opportunity for value engineering

    providing better asset design and performance


    Reduce uncertainty

    through the project and asset's life cycle

    Swans case study

    Case study

    SWANS® demonstrates a 50% time-saving screening for pumping station

    Case study

    Fast tracking the replacement of Canada's Champlain Bridge

    Case study

    Laying foundations for vital carbon capture power station

    Case study

    Important risk considerations in city planning: Sand dune migration

    Case study

    Real-time data keeps ground investigations watertight at Silvertown Tunnel

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    A CPT-based method for monotonic loading of large diameter monopiles in sand

    01 Jun 2022


    A CPT-based method for estimation of undrained shear strength of sands and transitional soils

    Contact us

    Get in touch for more information about our GRMF

    Headshots for

    Rod Eddies

    Global Lead - Geo-Risk Management Framework

    Installation of 800 injection wells for Denmark remediation project

    Environmental services and remediation

    Worried about contamination? Or facing other environmental challenges? We’re here to help. We apply state-of-the-art methods and technologies to assess your site.

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