
Seagrass stock image

Biodiversity decline is a crisis threatening human survival. Climate change and biodiversity loss are caused by the same issues. They also reinforce each other. It’s clear we need to take urgent action.

Minimise the negative, maximise the positive

We have a firm biodiversity policy in place that’s fully in line with our mission of creating a safe and liveable world. This policy guides our efforts to minimise the negative environmental impacts of our operations. And maximise our positive contributions by way of our services and solutions. Our data collection services and know-how plays an important role in understanding biodiversity and how it’s changing.

In 2021, we underwent an impact assessment. This gave us several valuable insights into:

  • the potential effects our activities have on biodiversity

  • the mitigating measures we already had in place

  • where we can improve

We’re actively learning from these insights, working with industry partners to adopt best practices.

Awareness and contribution

We work hard to raise awareness about biodiversity decline among our employees, clients, contractors, and suppliers. We also contributed to the International Marine Contractor Association Recommended Code of Practice on Environmental Sustainability, which deals with marine biodiversity.


Biodiversity policy

Site investigation (CPT and drilling) and monitoring
Performing CPT, drilling and monitoring of the Grimburgwal canal in Amsterdam

What we do at Fugro

The more you know, the smaller the risk

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