Key financials

Employees in Aberdeen remote operations centre


X eur million from continuing operations unless otherwise indicated20232022202120202019
Currency comparable revenue growth27.5%14.8%5.8% (12.4%) 2.7%
Adjusted EBITDA*397.3230.4175.6 162.0184.9
Adjusted EBIT*252.1107.663.048.268.0
Adjusted EBIT* margin11.5% 6.1% 4.3% 3.5% 4.2%
Net result from continuing operations254.874.159.6(74.0)(39.6)
Free cash flow213.323.939.588.458.3
Capital expenditures 260.3123.179.781.283.1
Cash and cash equivalents 326209.1149.0183.5 201.1
Capital employed 1,2281,1051,0078751,110
Net leverage0.

Social and environmental

Number of full-time equivalent (FTE) employees (at year-end) 10,2209,4018,9769,0259,856
Number of employees (headcount) 10,8549,8519,3179,47110,343
Gender diversity
- Female 23%22% 22%21%21%
- Male 77%78%78%79%79%
Gender diversity senior management
- Female22%19%15%NANA
- Male78%81%86%NANA
Lost time injury frequency (x million hours)0.570.730.700.670.68
Vessel CO2 emission intensity (tonnes per operational day) - Owned and chartered vessels 13.013.814.915.815.4
Greenhouse gas emissions scope 1&2 (ktCO₂e) 219217224220255

* Adjusted for specific items


Quarterly financials April 2024

Fugro Explorer, Manhattan, New York.

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