Hydrographic surveys

Fugro employees taking part in a practical training session in the operation of uncrewed surface vessels (USVs) on board the WillChallenge on Southampton Water. The course is run by trainers from CEbotix. 24 March 2022. 
Fugro Middle East personnel have completed the world's first Maritime Autonomous Surface Systems (MASS) professional certified training delivered by SeaBot XR at their training academy CEbotiX, the National Centre for Operational Excellence in Marine Robotics based in Southampton, UK.
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    Hydrography entails the mapping of our oceans and coastlines. It helps us better use and protect the ocean, which is essential for our everyday lives. And it keeps our maritime transportation system moving safely and efficiently. We will work together with you to tailor a solution that meets your business’s needs. High quality, sustainable processes, on schedule, and meeting cost requirements for your project. How? By quickly collecting high-quality data and using remote technology. Additionally, our worldwide team of skilled hydrographic surveyors possess local expertise and knowledge. Assisting you no matter your location.

    Marco Filippone headshot

    Marco Filippone

    Global lead - Hydrographic surveys

    More information about hydrographic surveys

    What is a hydrographic survey?

    A hydrographic survey measures and studies underwater features and activities. This includes tasks such as navigating ships, marine construction, removing silt from the bottom of water bodies, setting up wind farms at sea, and exploring and drilling for offshore oil.

    We offer services such as measuring water depth using light detection (lidar bathymetry), using sound waves to map underwater areas (acoustic surveys), and analysing satellite images. Our clients, which include both government agencies and private companies, use these services for creating detailed maps for navigation, planning routes for underwater cables, and coastal zone management.

    Our expert team provides highly accurate maps and data, offering valuable insights and efficient solutions for your projects with our advanced technologies.

    Why are hydrographic surveys important?

    Hydrographic surveys are important for a variety of reasons, which affect a range of industries and requirements.

    Hydrographic surveys ensure safe navigation by providing accurate depth information of water bodies so when planning routs ships can make decisions on the safest route. They also support activities like port maintenance, coastal engineering, and offshore resource development as well as supporting environmental protection and health to ensure the protection of our all important ecosystems.

    This type of survey plays a vital role in the global economy by supporting maritime infrastructure like like ports, docks, navigational aids, offshore platforms, and terminals where goods and people are transferred.

    What is the difference between hydrographic and bathymetric surveys?

    "Bathymetric" and "Hydrographic" are both methods to map underwater areas (marine topography), but there is a difference between the two surveys. While closely related, these methods serve distinct purposes in mapping and exploring the underwater landscape. 

    We use a bathymetry survey to map the underwater landform shape and depth of the seabed. Bathymetric maps are like topographic maps, but for underwater landscapes. They use colors and lines to show different depths of the ocean floor.

    Hydrography is the science of measuring and characterising bodies of water and their surrounding environments. Hydrographic surveys give a detailed view of the water column, including ocean depths, shorelines, and water composition. 

    What is a multibeam bathymetric (MBES) survey?

    A multibeam bathymetric survey is a method used to map the underwater terrain of bodies of water. This survey is also known as an MBES survey.

    This method uses a multibeam echosounder. Which uses sound waves in a fan shape to calculate the water depth and looks at the 'solidness' of the sea floor. We use mbes surveys as they can be faster to conduct and provide a more accurate picture for your business.

    These sound waves travel through the water and bounce back (echo) when they hit the seafloor or any underwater object. The time it takes for each sound wave to return is measured, which helps determine the distance to the seafloor. The multiple beams cover a wide area, allowing for detailed mapping in a single pass. We can create a 3D map of what is under the ocean floor to show the underwater landscape clearly, helping you understand the underwater landscape better.



    High-quality data

    Captured by a full array of leading-edge sensors with extensive coverage


    Sustainable operations

    Using advanced techniques and technologies to reduce your projects carbon footprint by up to 90 %


    Improve HSSE

    Through the use of remote and autonomous technologies revolutionising the way we undertake our surveys


    Efficient project life cycle

    Access to essential insights will reduce costs, speed up your project schedule and minimise risk for your project

    Key figures


    km2 of bathymetric data

    Fugro has contributed to the Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 initiative

    Contact us

    Get in touch for hydrographic surveys

    Marco Filippone headshot

    Marco Filippone

    Regional lead Europe & Africa - Hydrographic surveys

    Headshots for Fugro.com

    Ben Williams

    Regional lead Americas - Hydrographic surveys

    Headshots of experts for Fugro.com

    Paul Seaton

    Regional lead Asia Pacific - Hydrographic surveys

    Headshots for Fugro.com

    Talia Sherrard

    Regional lead Middle East & India - Hydrographic surveys

    Staff from Fugro taking part in a practical training session in the operation of uncrewed surface vessels (USVs) on board the WillChallenge on Southampton Water.
Fugro Middle East personnel have completed the world's first Maritime Autonomous Surface Systems (MASS) professional certified training delivered by SeaBot XR at their training academy CEbotiX, the National Centre for Operational Excellence in Marine Robotics based in Southampton, UK.

    Fugro Academy Training Centre

    Applied Hydrographic Survey Programme

    Our internationally recognised International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) Category B programme is designed to help you build skills in the science and technology of hydrography and move forward in your career.

    Read more